We have been present on the market since 2008, where we charted our course with our initial supply of AB structures for the OBI shopping center in Nova Gorica. Over the years, we have successfully built many industrial, commercial, residential and garage facilities, gyms and cooperated with various contractors for the supply of parts of AB structures, such as panels, walls, columns and beams.
Write us
We build industrial halls of all types and dimensions.
- Mebor Železniki
- Siliko Vrhnika
- Pladent Komenda
- Hala M2N Črnuče
- Incom Ajdovščina
- Roltek hala H3
- Paloma Sladki Vrh
- Diem Ig
- Vargo Brnik
- Siliko Vrhnika hala 3
- Intec MKD
- Marinblu Izola
- Krokar Jesenice
- Ramax 2
- Hala Pucihar
- Timo Ajdovščina
- VRC Ajdovščina
- Hala Sensilab v Logatcu
- Orodja Prebil
- Hala Bako Žirovnica
- Polycom Škofja Loka
- Siliko Sevnica
Slemnik transport
Fijavž vili Slovenske konjice
Podkubovšek Slovenske Konjice
Kvader Horjul
Kolding Prevalje
Rematom Logatec
Sliko – Mesalnica
VIRO Logatec
Objekt: Mebor Železniki
Lokacija: Železniki
Leto izgradnje: 2024/25
Project: Hala Siliko
Location: Vrhnika
Year of construction: 2012
Project: AB montažna hala Pladent
Location: Komendi
Year of construction: 2018
Project: AB montažna hala M2N
Location: Črnuče, Ljubljana
Year of construction:
Project: Incom, dobava in montaža dvojnih sten
Location: Ajdovščina
Year of construction: 2022
Project: Roltek hala H3
Location: Dob
Year of construction: 2022
Project: Skladiščni objekt Paloma. Plošče nosilnosti 5t/m2, razpon (dolžina) plošč 15m.
Location: Sladki Vrh
Year of construction: 2024
Project: Hala Diem
Location: Ig
Year of construction: 2022
Project: Hala Vargo
Location: Brnik
Year of construction: 2023
Project: Hala 3 Siliko Vrhnika
Location: Vrhnika
Year of construction: 2022
Project: Intec MKD
Location: Tržič
Year of construction: 2022
Project: Hala Marinblu
Location: Izola
Year of construction: 2021
Project: Hala Krokar
Location: Jesenice
Year of construction: 2021
Project: Druga hala za investitorja Ramax d.o.o
Location: Slovenske Konjice
Year of construction: 2021
Project: AB montažna hala Pucihar
Location: Dobrepolje
Year of construction: 2021
Project: AB montažna hala Timo
Location: Ajdovščina
Year of construction: 2020
Project: Hala VRC
Location: Ajdovščina
Year of construction: 2020
Project: Hala Sensilab
Location: Logatec
Year of construction: 2018
Project: Hala Orodja PREBIL
Location: Horjul
Year of construction: 2015/2016
Project: Hala Bako
Location: Žirovnica
Year of construction: summer 2018
Project: AB konstrukcija objekta Polycom
Location: Škofja Loka
Year of construction: spring 2017
Projectt: Hala Siliko
Location: Sevnica
Year of construction: spring 2017
Project: Hala Slemnik Transport
Location: Dravograd
Year of construction: 2017
Project: AB montažna hala Fijavž Vili
Location: Slovenske Konjice
Year of construction:
Project: Hala Ramax
Location: Slovenske Konjice
Year of construction: 2016
Project: AB montažna hala Podkubovšek
Location: Slovenske Konjice
Year of construction: 2016
Project: Industrijska hala Kvader MT d.o.o.
Location: Horjul
Year of construction: 2015
Project: AB montažna hala Kolding d.o.o.
Location: Prevalje
Year of construction: 2014
Project: AB montažna hala Rematom
Location: Logatec
Year of construction: 2014
Project: AB montažna hala Siliko - mešalnica
Location: Vrhnika
Year of construction: 2013
Project: AB montažna hala Viro
Location: Logatec
Year of construction: 2012/2013
Začnite pri stranki - ugotovite, kaj želi, in ji to ponudite.
Začnite pri stranki - ugotovite, kaj želi, in ji to ponudite.
Začnite pri stranki - ugotovite, kaj želi, in ji to ponudite.
In addition to industrial halls, we also build office buildings.
Project: Kondominij Tivoli Ljubljana. Izvedba garažnih etaž z dvojnimi stenami in omnia ploščami.
Location: Ljubljana
Year of construction: 2019
Video material:
Project: Klet Miharjevi v goriških Brdih
Lokacation: Goriška Brda
Year of construction: 2021
Project: Nova upravna stavba Zavarovalnice Sava v Mariboru
Lokacation: Maribor
Year of construction: 2021
Project: Objekt Kimm
Location: Logatec
Year of construction: spring 2018
Project: Spar trgovina Idrija + garažna hiša
Location: Idrija
Year of construction: 2019
Project: Izvedba prizidka poslovne stavbe Menard RA
Location: Logatec
Year of construction: julij/avgust 2017
Project: AB montažni objekt - market
Location: Sodražica
Year of construction: 2013
Area: 1400m2
Project: 4 AB montažni objekti AD Vita
Location: Slovenske Konjice
Year of construction: 2012
A special feature is building 2, which has a polished facade with built-in crushed glass or mirror, which is a novelty on the Slovenian market,
the other buildings have a brushed facade.
Project: AB montažni objekt Avtohiša Seliškar
Location: Logatec
Year of construction: 2012
Project: OKK Logatec
Location: OC Logatec
Year of construction: 2011
Project: AB concrete hall Primo
Lokacation: POC Komenda
Year of construction: 2010/2011
Project: OBI Nova Gorica
Location: Nova Gorica
Year of construction: 2009
Project: Hala OKK Logatec - 2. hala
Lokacation: Logatec
Year of construction: maj 2019
Project: TEM Čatež
Location: Čatež
Year of construction: may 2023
We delivered and built garage houses using PVP and omnia decksand double BILASTRA walls. Omnia decks allow the implementation of "hidden" supports for a better appearance and greater clear height..
Project: Garage house in Luki Koper. floor plate from PVP decks and interfloor omnia decks
Location: Luka Koper
Year of construction: 2021
Project: Basement garage house Zdravstveni dom Nova Gorica
Locationa: Nova Gorica
Year of construction: 2024
Če želite biti uspešni, mora biti vsebina uporabna za vaše bralce.
Začnite pri stranki - ugotovite, kaj želi, in ji to ponudite.
We completely erected several residential buildings and supplied prefabricated bathrooms and facades.
Projekt: Pobrežje Maribor - dobava OMNIA plošč, dvojnih sten ter montažnih stopnic za 12 nadstropni stanovanjski objekt
Lokacija: Maribor
Leto izvedbe: v izgradnji
Project: Prefabricated bathrooms from Eurocomponents (Italy) for project Brdo F2
Location: Ljubljana
Year of construction: 2019
Numer of units: 116 bathrooms
Project: residental building Primius with precast walls type BILASTRA in omnia decks type DUALSOLUTION
Location: Maribor
Year of construction: 2019
Project: Concrete facade Schellenburg
Location: Ljubljana
Year of construction: 2021
Začnite pri stranki - ugotovite, kaj želi, in ji to ponudite.
Začnite pri stranki - ugotovite, kaj želi, in ji to ponudite.